The Commission will install a SCDHEC approved DCVA on all residential meters installed after July 1, 2004. The device will be installed in a standard meter box on the customer's side of the meter. The device will be installed at the same time as the initial meter set.

The Commission will be responsible for the initial and annual testing of all devices installed by the Commission. The device will be tested by a representative of the Commission within fifteen working days of the initial installation, as well as once annually.

The Commission will be responsible for the repair and replacement of all devices installed by the Commission. This device will be repaired immediately once the device is found to be functioning improperly. All repaired/replaced devices will immediately be retested.

Residential Backflow Fees

  1. New Device Installation Builder/Homeowner setting up initial service will be responsible for payment of $225 backflow fee. This fee will pay for installation of new device and the initial testing of the device.
  2. All customers under this program will be charged a monthly fee of $5.50. This fee will pay for annual testing of the device, as well as any repair/replacement of the device. The fee will be reflected on the customer's bill under the designation of "Backflow Protection."

Testing of Residential Devices


New Assemblies
All new assemblies installed by the Commission will be tested within fifteen working days of installation. Homeowners will be notified of the completion of the testing of their device.

Existing Assemblies
As per SCDHEC requirements, all backflow prevention assemblies must be tested annually by a certified tester. The Commission will be responsible for the annual testing of all residential devices. Homeowners will be notified of the completion of the testing of their device.

Residential Testing Rates
All residential customers under this program will be charged a monthly fee of $5.50. This fee will pay for the annual testing of the device as well as any repair /replacement of the device. The fee will be reflected on the customer's bill under the designation "Backflow Protection."

Repair of Residential Devices

When a residential device is found to be malfunctioning, the device will be repaired immediately by the Commission. Information concerning repairs to the device will be kept on file at the Commission.

Backflow Prevention Removal

At no time shall a backflow prevention device be removed or straight piped. Doing so will result in an immediate termination of water service by the Commission.

Tampering of Backflow Device Owned by the Commission

At no time shall any individual tamper or remove a backflow device maintained by the Commission. Tampering with this device may result in a fine of up to $200 per occurrence.